Rich Designs can be your “In-House” Art Department at the ready to help with:   Ads | Brochures | Trade Show Graphics | Web Graphics | Logos | Data Sheets | Presentations | Product Design | Newsletter Design | Signs & Banners | Certificates & Awards | Proposal Graphics | Special Projects
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Rich Designs can be your “In-House” Art Department at the ready to help with:

Trade Show Graphics
Web Graphics
Data Sheets
Product Design
Newsletter Design
Signs & Banners
Certificates & Awards
Proposal Graphics
Special Projects



Linda Richards owner of Rich Designs is a woman-owned, full-service graphic design company.
Linda Richards

Linda Richards started Rich Designs at the beginning of 2002. She was employed at L3 Communications (now L3 Technologies) from 1985 to 2001, working her way up from temporary graphic artist to Senior Graphic Designer, then to Head of Graphic Services. During that time, she went from laying out graphics on a huge drafting table with technical pens and rub-on type to using computers for graphic design and page layout. Now, of course, everything is done on the computer.

At L3, she worked with engineers, marketing & sales, customer service, operations & facilities, finance and HR departments to develop materials for everything from trade show booth layout and graphics, banners, brochures, flyers and data sheets, product front panel design & labels, art direction for product and system photo shoots (onsite and at photography studios), promo items, custom holiday cards, layouts for awards, signs and website graphics. She was asked to work on projects for the L3 corporate headquarters in New York, and for some of the other divisions of L3 across the country.

Rich Designs is Born

In 2002, Linda started her own business, Rich Designs, continuing to support L3 from the outside and is still a valued resource for many L3 divisions and several corporate departments, at times providing graphic support for over 90 divisions, as well as 40 other companies and organizations.

The committee for the International Telemetering Conference (ITC) has relied on Linda since 2003 for all graphics for their annual event, including their Conference Planner booklet, 64-page Conference Onsite Guide with double fold-out cover, postcards, promo items, logos, large content-heavy signage for the entire show, ads and any other graphics they need. They know Linda has a vast collection of imagery for their various fields involved with telemetry and the knowledge to put them together in an organized, attractive visual. She also works on signage for the ITEA organization’s conferences.


Linda works from a home-based office in San Marcos, CA, in San Diego County. Other artists and webmasters are contracted as needed. She works with printers, and sign, banner, poster and exhibit property companies in various locations to complete the projects.